Rusty Berkus

Appearances: Clearings Through the Masks of Our Existence

Appearances: Clearings Through the Masks of Our Existence

A treasure of a book guiding us to consider the reality of our worthiness. The visual delight captured in the illustrations is combined with brief and brilliant reminders of our potential for greatness.

"When you awaken to who and what you are, everyone automatically awakens to who and what you are without a word spoken." — Rusty Berkus


  • Wherever you are in this moment,
    is exactly where you are supposed to be,
    no matter how things may seem to appear.
  • There is no one to compare yourself to,
    and no one to compete with.
    There never was.
    When the Rose and the Lotus
    are side by side,
    is one more beautiful than the other?
  • The dignity the world awards you is in exact proportion to the dignity you award yourself.
  • Question: Since you are here to remember who you are, why have you forgotten?

    Answer: Perhaps you have lived another's dream, and not your own.
  • If you know you are not
    your sports car, your grades or your children's grades,
    your color, your degrees or your spouse's degrees,
    your age, your titles or your family's titles,
    your body, your possessions or your parents' possessions —
    Congratulations. You are Home again.

Publisher: Red Rose Press; First Edition edition (June 1, 1984)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0960988815
ISBN-13: 978-0960988815
Dimensions: 8.8 x 0.2 x 11.2 inches

Appearances is no longer available in print.