Rusty Berkus

Your Path to Spiritual Starhood: Empowering Your Sacred Self

Your Path to Spiritual Starhood: Empowering Your Sacred Self

An inspiringly beautiful gift book, offering a special invitation to the reader to enter the limitless, nourishing world of Spiritual Starhood,where one is free to fulfill their dreams in their own unique and brilliant way. Spiritual Starhood is a way of being in the world that empowers and enhances the sacred part of you that has never been allowed to surface. This radiant presence longs for your expression, so that you may shine forth in the world to freely create, contribute, love and allow yourself to be loved in the way that your heart most desires.

"Rusty Berkus' work adds a sacred dimension to healing." - Dr. Deepak Chopra
"I love Rusty Berkus' work. Her books give off a marvelous and enchanting light." - Marianne Williamson
"Rusty's ministry of love shines out with gentle clarity in this powerful reminder of life's sacred purpose." - Dr. Joan Borysenko


  • You cannot afford
    to hide your greatness
    The little self inside of you
    longs to be seen,
    to be heard, to be taken seriously.
    That little self
    is a Spiritual Star in hiding.

  • The only rule you need follow
    is your own heart's dream.
    Do not allow another's dream for you
    to cancel out your own.
    Someone else's dream for you
    will never satisfy your inner craving
    to do Spirit's will,
    which is synonymous with your will.
    This is the formula that will work best for you.
    All other avenues
    will be mirages along the way.

  • All systems have been in place forever
    It is a matter
    of when you choose to reveal your Star-Self,
    for Spirit's plan for you
    began before you entered the womb.
    At some point in time,
    you will long for the way back to your greatness,
    and the universe will begin to choreograph
    the divine journey toward your Spiritual Starhood.